ISKF Monument

Sensei Yutaka Yaguchi (left) and Sensei Suzi Wong (right)
Suzi Wong and Monica Silva
LoriSue Trivelli

Shotokan Karate Dojo serving Colorado Springs

The International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF) of Colorado Springs is an organization dedicated to personal growth through the traditional art of Karate. We help our students develop character and grow both physically and mentally. We believe everyone has the right to defend themselves and no one has the right to cause harm to others. Training karate is more than learning self defense. Karate is training for a lifetime — it improves health, self confidence, and personal growth. When teaching we focus on responsibility, safety, fun, and learning. Everyone can benefit by adding karate training to their life.

Our Affiliated Organizations

International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF)
ISKF Mountain States Region
ISKF Arvada (Mountain States Headquarters)

Mountain States Team at 2018 ISKF U.S. Nationals
Chief Instructor Tarrant, ISKF Arvada

Dojo Kun:

Seek Perfection of Character.
Be Faithful.
Respect Others.
Refrain from Violent Deeds

Listen to the Dojo Kun in Japanese